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Taking the Mystery out of Higher Education Funding

Take the mystery out of financial aid, scholarships, and grants by joining us on our upcoming High School Live Q&A session with Mayli Levin M.Ed. This event is free and open to all

homeschooling families.

September 10, 2019 @10am

Join Zoom Meeting

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Mayli Levin M.Ed.

Veteran homeschooling mom who started homeschooling her children in 1994. Her girls have since graduated early with high honors and honorable mention from various colleges and universities.

Mayli has since worked with homeschool high schoolers in various programs to help them realize their dreams. She has

worked as the high school director/admin

side of several public charters and knows the ins and outs of how to make the

system work for the out-of-the-box students that colleges and universities are currently seeking.

Homeschool Concierge now provides a wide range of high school services to help guide your student on their path for what comes next. Schedule your FREE consultation now, just email


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