It is imperative that we come together to help protect the charter schools that make it possible for our students to have access to so many high quality learning resources.
We wanted to share with you some tools that you can use to easily oppose AB 1316! These tools have been put together for us by our charter school associations. Even if you have already sent letters and made calls, please use all three of these tools to submit your oposition to AB 1316 again.
These tools help our charter school associations track how many calls and emails our legislators are getting.
So please take these steps to help us defeat AB 1316:
Charter School Development Center

Charter School Development Center created an easy to use form. Their form only requires you to input your contact info and then it automatically emails your State Assemblymember and Senator, along with all of the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee, which is where AB 1316 is headed next for a vote.
California Charter School Association

California Charter School Association has created an easy to use form that connects you to your Assemblymember’s office by phone and provides you with a script to say when they answer the phone.
A Plus

A Plus The Association of Personalized Learning Schools & Services has created a form that will also automatically submit an email for you to your Assemblymember.
Please go ahead and submit your opposition to AB 1316 using all three forms!
Thank you
When you are are posting to social media please include the following hashtags for our community grassroots movement:
Facebook and Instagram Tag: @LegislationTakeAction
Twitter Tag: @LegislationA
Please sign up for our email list with periodic updates on bills that impact school choice. Please fill out your contact info and then at the bottom of the form select Legislation Take Action.
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Please consider donating to help us continue to support school choice for all students through charter schools, private schools and homeschooling!