Are you sick of our political leaders making decisions that do not fit the needs of your family?
Tired of fighting all of these anti-charter school and homeschool bills?
It's time for us to get involved and run for office ourselves!
It is not as hard as it may seem!

Join Windi Eklund hosting Gary Davis as he presents his exciting workshop Preparing to Run for Office. He will reveal to us the “Secret Sauce” for winning local campaigns.
It will be an event full of insider strategies, tools and tactics that can position you as the front-runner the day you announce your candidacy for office.
Gary will provide us with the ultimate playbook for the, “Pre-Campaign.” Most people who run for office don’t know about the “Pre-Campaign” and they rarely win the first time around.
Gary Davis has coached over 350 candidates running for local and state office, while also serving in three local elected positions, including Mayor, City Council, and School Board. His life mission is to help others to serve their community in elected office.
This is how we can make difference, join us to learn more and to see if running for office is for you!
Saturday, September 18, 2021
9:00 - 11:00 AM Pacific Time