We're into the second full month of our Homeschool 1-on-1 Live Virtual Webinar series. It's been super exciting and inspirational to learn from all of the organizations we've hosted. Here are some sneak peeks about upcoming webinars, and reviews and links to previous webinars we've hosted.
1-on-1s about College -- University of the People & Colleges That Change Lives

We've found two really amazing college resources to share with everyone! These are resources you may not have heard of before, but you'll be super grateful you learned about them!

This past Tuesday we hosted a Homeschool 1-on-1 with the University of the People, the first tuition-free American-accredited online university. We've uploaded the video from that enlightening session, which you can find HERE.

Join us on Friday, June 4, 2021, from 11: 00 am to 11:00 pm for our live 1-on-1 with Colleges That Change Lives! You can read more about this incredible non-profit organization and find the link to register for our 1-on-1 with them HERE.
1-on-1s about Curriculum Resources -- Cathy Duffy Reviews & Rainbow Resource Center

We have two awesome, upcoming Homeschool 1-on-1 sessions scheduled regarding curriculum reviews, consulting, and support - just in time for the start of the next school year!

Join us on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm for our live 1-on-1 with Cathy Duffy! You can find out more and register HERE.
Cathy Duffy Homeschool Reviews draws thousands of visitors each day. Cathy began educating her three sons at home in 1982 and continued all the way through high school. In addition to teaching her own sons, she has taught numerous group classes for home-educated students and church groups. Her extensive research and experience have made Cathy a go-to expert for curriculum help and consulting.

Join us on Thursday, July 8, 2021, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm for our live 1-on-1 with Rainbow Resource Center! You can find out more and register HERE.
Rainbow Resource Center started in 1989 as a curriculum recycling service to help stretch the homeschooling budget. As they transitioned to selling new products, they kept their prices low while offering products they knew worked well in a homeschooling setting. They have experienced curriculum consultants with homeschool, private school, and public school teaching experience. Families can call in, email, or live chat with their consultants, and they will help you make your curriculum choices, all for no charge. Rainbow Resource staff will be giving away three $20 gift certificates to our registered attendees during our live 1-on-1!
1-on-1s with Homeschool Curriculum Vendors -- Beautiful Feet Books, MoxieBox Art, Wild Math, BookShark, Blossom & Root, & More!

We started our 1-on-1 series with Beautiful Feet Books, a popular homeschool curriculum vendor, and MoxieBox Art, and we're continuing with Wild Math, BookShark, Blossom & Root & more!

We started our series on Thursday, April 8, 2021, with Beautiful Feet Books, joined by CEO, Josh Berg. As a homeschooling father, who was raised as a homeschooling student, Josh has a rich understanding of homeschooling. Josh continues the practice, started by his parents who founded Beautiful Feet Books, of publishing great books and high-quality literature/history teaching guides. These truly beautiful books help parents to encourage a love of learning in their children. You can view the recording of our webinar with Josh Berg, of Beautiful Feet Books HERE.

Next in our Homeschool 1-on-1 sessions, we highlighted MoxieBox Art, on Thursday, April 29, 2021. Jim's entrepreneurial spirit is truly infectious and inspiring! He shared with us all about how a MoxieBox is made and the time and love that goes into the development of each quality art lesson. He shared some wonderful new products that MoxieBox Art has developed including their new Art-to-Art game (made by the same person, who created Apples-to-Apples!), and their incredible MoxieBox ART Museum. This is a collection of the most famous art in the world, with navigation tools to help you find famous art on display at museums near you - or where you're traveling to! You can view the recording of our webinar with Jim Warner of MoxieBox Art HERE.

Join us on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM for our upcoming 1-on-1 webinar with Rachel Tidd of Wild Math!! You can find out more and register HERE.
Wild Math is a nature-based, hands-on outdoor math curriculum for kindergarten through fifth grade. It covers all of the essential, practical math skills taught for that particular grade level, in a realistic, down-to-earth, yet invigorating way. Wild Math is written by Rachel Tidd, a homeschool parent, and inspired by a true love of the outdoors. We are seriously smitten with this curriculum and we can't help our shameless appreciation of it! (we receive no compensation for loving Wild Math, except the knowledge that we're helping others discover it). Rachel will also discuss her new curriculum with us - Wild Reading!! We can't wait to learn about it and we hope you're able to join us.
We are planning to host Homeschool 1-on-1s this summer with BookShark and Blossom & Root. So stay tuned to our blog and newsletter for more updates on the dates and times for these events.
1-on-1s with Learning Centers & Online Academies -- Learn Beyond the Book & Stanza International Academy

Homeschool learning centers and online academies are essential hubs for homeschool students and families. We were so excited to host Learn Beyond the Book and we have a 1-on-1 planned with Stanza International Academy next.

On Friday, May 7, 2021, we were thrilled to be joined by Elmarie Hyman the founder and owner of Learn Beyond the Book. Learn Beyond the Book is a community learning and resource center for homeschooled and hybrid schooled students and their parents, with physical locations in Santa Clarita, as well as the San Fernando and Antelope Valleys. They also offer online courses, too! The founder, Elmarie Hyman is an experienced homeschooling parent with over 21 yrs of homeschooling experience that she shares generously with her students, families, and the greater homeschooling community. She speaks with us about how important kindness is in selecting teachers for her learning center, and how engaging student's passions begins with fostering connections. She's a real treasure to listen to and learn from. You can view the recording of our webinar with Elmarie Hyman of Learn Beyond the Book HERE.

We are planning to host an upcoming 1-on-1 with Stanza International Academy this summer. So stay tuned to our blog and newsletter for more updates on the date and time for this event.
Please visit our Homeschool 1-on-1 page to keep track of webinar dates and times. If you're a vendor and are interested in joining us for a 1-on-1, please visit our main webinar page for information on contacting us. We look forward to seeing all of you soon at one of our upcoming Homeschool 1-on-1 sessions! :)