2020 has been a challenging year for so many of us. We are all ready to ring in a new year, and we've got our hopes and wishes pinned on good tidings for all in 2021! Here are some links and resources to help you and your family find some beauty and magic in the last few weeks of the 2020 holiday season. We wish you and your family the best this season -- hang in there, everyone, and see you in 2021!
Free Holiday Broadcasts & Online Viewings

December 24, 5:00 PM - December 28, 12:00 PM: A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story of Christmas. This interpretation of A Christmas Carol by the Ensemble Theatre Company of Santa Barbara is based on the novel, with live music performed by Santa Barbara's Doug Clegg. This performance is free but reservations are required.

Thursday, December 24, 3 PM - 6 PM: Watch the 61st Annual L.A. County Holiday Celebration online or on PBS Socal 1 and enjoy performances by the American Youth Symphony, Ballet Folklórico, Pacifico Dance Company, Southern California Brass Consortium, and more! Visit the event webpage for a full line up and more broadcast times.

Submit a wish for New York City's Times Square's Digital Wishing Wall by December 28th & plan to watch the New Year's Eve Ball drop virtually! Every year wishes are printed out and flutter down with confetti in Times Square. Even though there will not be a public gathering in Times Square this year, performances will still occur and the ball will still be dropping, along with wishes and confetti.
TIP: For Lego and Legoland enthusiasts, watch a short 1 minute/21-second creative video of Legoland's 2021 Miniland New Year's Eve Brick Drop on YouTube.
Holiday Lights & Car Adventures

Central California: Central California Parent's Seasonal Celebrations 2020 page lists the best neighborhoods to see lights, as well as activities and events for the whole family.
Northern California: Find a light display in the Greater Sacramento area. Visit the Christmas Lights Display page hosted by the Roseville-Rocklin-Lincoln Macaroni Kids for more information.
Southern California: Visit San Diego Family's maps of Holiday Lights. Their collection of maps is organized by region (coastal, downtown, North County, etc.). Each regional collection links to a google maps page to make it easy to get directions. Print off San Diego Family's holiday lights scavenger hunt for more family fun!
Tip: plan a stop at a drive-thru coffee shop to get everyone hot, cider, hot cocoa, tea or coffee while enjoying the light displays from the comfort of your vehicle.

Start a new family adventure with the Holiday Bucket List & Scavenger Hunt (created by Macaroni Kid Blogger, Bridgette Schroeder). The scavenger hunt injects another layer of fun into enjoying holiday lights. The bucket list includes things you want to do with your family before the holidays conclude. You can print each of these lists. Tip: Use these lists as inspiration to create your own!
FREE Holiday Printables & Resources for Kids

Education.com's list of holiday worksheets & printables has many pages of free offerings.
The Homeschool Den is run by Leisl, a homeschooling mom and educational consultant. She has a page offering 20 different Christmas & Holiday Printables for free!
The HomeschoolHelperOnline.com has a thoughtful list of Kwanzaa Homeschool Resources.
Check out TheHomeschoolMom.com's comprehensive collection of Hannuka printables & resources.
Kidsactivities.com has curated a list of free New Year's printables for kids. There are many downloads and links to other resources here, too.
Looking for unique and local holiday events that might be worth an expense? Check out the following local sites for ideas near you.
Bay Area, Sacramento & Northern California: trekaroo's list of holiday events.
Central Coast: Central Coast California's Upcoming Events
Los Angeles: Fun with Kids in LA's piece about holiday drive-thru events and experiences.
San Diego: KPBS Calendar of Winter Holiday Events
Happy Holidays, & Happy New Year, everyone! ~ from the team at Homeschool Concierge.