Facebook groups are an incredible homeschooling resource. They allow you to connect with other homeschooling parents, in a familiar setting with an organic mix of experts and newbies. Facebook homeschooling groups are a wonderful way to supplement your social network and maximize your resources. We recommend everyone find a few homeschooling groups to join. We've provided a varied list of Facebook groups - with something for everyone. We don't endorse or recommend any of these groups, we're simply sharing resources for you to explore, and to decide what works best for your homeschooling networking and support needs.
Please note that most Facebook groups are private and require a request to join the group which usually involves a set of a few simple mandatory questions to answer and an agreement to their group's rules. Please assume all of the groups we've listed are private unless we note that they are public. We've only included groups that are open to anyone to join, without a fee or requirement of membership — providing you agree to their rules/code of conduct for joining the group.
This is a living document, is currently being added to, and will be periodically updated. Do you have a Facebook group to share with us? Please email us at info@homeschoolconcierge.com with any recommendations.
General Homeschooling Facebook Groups

Free Homeschool Ideas (57.5K members) This group was created by a former teacher turned homeschool mom as a place to pin all of her homeschool stuff. What started as a personal bulletin board grew into a large group of moms, dads, grandparents, relatives, and even friends who help and support one another in homeschooling.
Fun, Activities, and Education for Kids at Home (52.8K members)
This group was launched during the height of the Covid pandemic emergency. It was created so families can share and find new ideas to use in their homes for educating their children.
Fun and Learning at Home (57K members)
Join to get some inspiration or share FREE resources or activities. This group is for parents, carers, teachers, TAs, SEN and disability specialists, other professionals, and anyone who has access to FREE FUN and EDUCATIONAL resources!!
Home Activities for Kids (8.3K members, public group)
This group was started to create a hub of ideas to keep kids busy. Share what you’ve been doing with kids to keep them occupied and happy or share useful links for interesting websites and activity ideas.
Homeschooling for Beginners, and Support (9K members) This is a group for beginner homeschooling parents that are completely lost at where to start, with help from experienced parents that have been doing this for years.
Homeschooling Mom's Hangout (8.4K members)
This is an extension of the blog: www.inspiringnhkids.com
Homeschooling Resources (38.4K members, public group)
This national group was created in March of 2020 to support homeschoolers needing support and resources.
Homeschooling Resources Support Group (35.1K members) A very active, very large national homeschooling group for resources and support homeschooling families of all ages and homeschool approaches.
Homeschooling for First Timers (9.8K members)
Created in May of 2020, this group serves new families homeschooling for the first time.
It's Not That Hard to Homeschool K-8 (8.8K members)
Homeschooling gets a bad rap as something that is scary or difficult. But it doesn't have to be hard! This group is to encourage one another that homeschooling is very doable and rewarding! Let's build a community of support for one another! :-) This group is administered by Ann Karako of Annie and Everything, as an extension of her blog. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact her through her contact form on her blog: https://www.annieandeverything.com/
Kids Learning with Mom (55.2K members, public group)
A diverse, international group celebrating and sharing learning ideas.
Rock Your Homeschool! (29.8K members)
This group is associated with the home education resources blog,
Rock Your Homeschool https://www.rockyourhomeschool.net
by blogger, Amy Milcic. Rock Your Homeschool! is a non-sectarian Facebook group for positive daily homeschool encouragement & support with a twist of fun for moms.
Geographically Specific Homeschool Facebook Groups in California
Statewide California Homeschooling Groups
California Homeschool Discussion and Information (5.4K members)
California Homeschool Discussion and Info (CHDI) is an open space to discuss issues and share information related to homeschooling in California.
California Homeschool Network (5.8K members)
California Homeschool Network is a non-profit 501(3)(c) organization run by volunteers and serves homeschoolers in the state of California. Their Facebook group is for homeschoolers to post questions, share resources, ideas and support each other through the homeschooling journey. To become a member please visit their website at http://www.californiahomeschool.net.
Homeschool California - managed by CHEA, the Christian Home Educators (6.3K members)
A place for homeschool families and those considering homeschooling across the state of California to connect, encourage, and equip one another in their homeschool journey.
This group is open to any family who is legally homeschooling their child(ren) in California or is interested in doing so. Homeschool California is a group that was created and is managed by Christian Home Educators Association (CHEA) of California. In line with our mission, this group's focus is private home education.
HSC Homeschool Association of California (6.6K members)
This group is operated as a (free!) service to all California homeschoolers, and those interested in homeschooling in California. HSC is a non-profit membership-supported, diverse organization. You can consider becoming a paying member or a free advocate at their website www.hsc.org
Central California Homeschooling Groups

Bakersfield Homeschooling Network (2K members)
Bakersfield Homeschooling Network is open to all homeschoolers in the Bakersfield area. I hope that you will find this group useful for staying on top of local homeschooling events and information and connecting with fellow homeschoolers in Bakersfield.
Central Coast Homeschoolers (716 members)
This is for homeschool families in the Central Coast cities of Paso Robles, Atascadero, Templeton, San Luis Obispo, Los Osos, and surrounding areas. It's a way to share ideas, resources and to build a community. This group is meant to be a safe haven for all kinds of homeschoolers to share information, events, ideas, and encouragement.
Central Valley Homeschool Scholars - CVHS (538 members)
A group for families and vendors to find support and connection.
Central Valley Homeschool Vendors (515 members, public group)
This is a group for local vendors, tutors, and charters to advertise and promote their services. Parents are free to ask any questions and seek the services they need.
Monterey Peninsula Homeschool Vendors & Tutors (234 members)
A group for vendors, tutors, and charter promotional information to find a home.
Northern California Homeschooling Groups

East Bay Area Homeschoolers (779 members, public group)
Homeschool Group for East Bay Area families that have open minds and open hearts.
Northern California Homeschool Field Trips and Events (1.6K members)
This is a group for homeschooling families who would like to meet up with other homeschoolers on field trips and events all over Northern California.
Sac, Yolo, & Solano County Homeschoolers (313 members)
This is an info sharing and community for Northern California homeschoolers in Sacramento, Yolo & Solano County.
Sacramento and Yolo County Homeschoolers (408 members, public group)
This is a space for Sacramento and Yolo County homeschoolers and unschoolers to build community, plan events and celebrate homeschooling! Post photos of your family's homeschool journey, share your successes, reach out for support, and ask questions.
Sacramento Homeschoolers (1.9K members)
This is a group for homeschooling families in the Sacramento area.
San Jose Homeschool (2.7K members)
This group is about empowering and supporting the homeschool community in Santa Clara County. San Jose Homeschool supports parents' rights to choose the best educational option for their own children, which will be different for each family. San Jose Homeschool includes and supports members who hold diverse and opposing views on many topics (vaccination, creation/evolution, HSLDA, charter schools, politics, religion). If a post does not apply to you, please move on rather than leaving dismissive, argumentative comments.
SF Bay Area Homeschool Network (5.9K members)
This group was created as a resource and support group for families who are considering homeschooling. All are welcome, but resources are concentrated in the Bay Area.
Sonoma County Homeschoolers (1.2K members)
This is an open, unmoderated group inclusive of all homeschooling approaches and affiliations. It is intended for sharing links and resources, creating co-ops and classes, co-ordinating park days or impromptu meet-ups, discussing struggles and joys, building community and friendships, questioning theories or practices, strategizing structural improvements or expansion of opportunities, sharing goals and achievements, and just about anything else related to homeschooling or worthy of attention or discussion within a group of homeschoolers.
Sonoma County Homeschooling Events and Support Group (169 members)
For families interested in homeschooling or who are already homeschooling. This is a forum to encourage one another in the homeschooling journey, to engage with others by sharing upcoming social events of interest, & to express ideas, philosophies, or ask for advice.
Southern California Homeschooling Groups

Burbank Homeschoolers (515 members) Burbank Homeschoolers is a group of local Burbank homeschooling families who have meet-ups and events within the community to support each other on the homeschooling journey. Opportunities for park days, picnics, project sharing, field trips, and celebrations are just a few of the ways they come together.
Field Trips for SoCal Kids (2.9K members)
This group is for parents who want to take fun local (Southern California) field trips with their kids. Feel free to post fun day trips, fun places, ideas, etc.
Homeschooling Southern California (8.3K members)
This group is for posting information, classes, and events that are of interest to the homeschooling community in Southern California. Families can give and get tips, support, and resources.
Homeschooling in Southern California (16.2K members) Homeschooling in Southern California is a Group that provides information about homeschooling specific to Southern California. Group members are welcome to share links, classes, ideas, inspirations, and events. They welcome both active and prospective homeschoolers.
Inland Empire Homeschool (1.7K members)
This group is everything homeschooling! For homeschool support, curriculum exchange, guidance, and more.
OC Unschoolers (491 members)
A place for unschooling families to connect and share ideas.
Homeschoolers of North County San Diego (2.2K members)
This group is for homeschoolers or those interested in homeschooling in North County, San Diego, and surrounding regions.
This is a secular homeschool support group for homeschoolers living in or near San Pedro and Palos Verdes Peninsula where they can network, create a support system, and share homeschooling journeys.
Long Beach Area Homechooling (1.9K members)
Homeschooling and family-friendly events, classes, and field trips going on in Long Beach, CA, and surrounding areas!
Los Angeles Homeschooling (602 members)
This group is for homeschool families in or around Los Angeles, in Kindergarten-12th grade.
Ramona Homeschoolers (301 members)
This is a place for homeschoolers in Ramona to connect with each other, plan outings, chat about curriculum, ask questions or share information.
San Diego Homeschoolers Unlimited (2K members)
This is a support group for San Diego region homeschool parents and is a place to share resources/experiences.
SoCal Homeschool Vendors (2.2K members)
SoCal Homeschool Vendors is a place for parents to find a vendor that is approved by their charter. This is a place to share your experiences with particular vendors(the good with the bad). Think of this as the "Yelp" of Charter Vendors.
Westside Los Angeles Homeschool/Unschool Community Group (332 members)
This is a regional community group for homeschooling and unschooling families who live or play on the Westside of Los Angeles County. If you are a homeschool/unschool family interested in connecting with other families who live on the Westside, then this is the group for you.
Specialized Homeschool Facebook Groups

BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Homeschool Facebook Groups
Afrocentric Homeschoolers Association (5.7K members)
Families (and individual teens) who engage in Afrocentric, Black-oriented, Black-positive, or pro-Black self-education. Homeschoolers/deschoolers/unschoolers ONLY. AHA has been operating since 1996. Their colors are purple (for the richness of their heritage), and yellow (for the sun in their skin and lives). http://www.oocities.org/blackhomeschool/
Black Family Homeschool Educators & Scholars Resource Group (1.5K members)
This is a resource-sharing FB group managed by the education group Black Family Homeschool Educators and Scholars, LLC (BlackFamilyHomeschool.org). They invite BLACK parents who are homeschooling their Black children to join this group. The emphasis is on Black families who are homeschooling. They encourage sharing of homeschool resources and do not discourage you from sharing if it is your business, homeschool cooperative, blog, etc. They are centering research, services, and practices that cater to the practice of homeschooling Black children as Black parents. Please be mindful of that mission and theme when requesting to be part of this group and participating in group discussions.
Homeschooling Black Families (6.2K members)
This group is based on raising the level of thinking in respectful ways and manners. Please feel free to share with them, what you have learned through experiences over the years. It's very much appreciated as everyone learns from each other. Peace and Understanding.
Indigenous Homeschoolers (1.2K member)
A community for Indigenous homeschoolers to share ideas and find support. The group is open to all who identify as Indigenous families. We respect the philosophy of self-identification and the diversity of what "Indigenous family" means to you (Indigenous children only, mixed indigenous families, etc).
Eclectic, Groups & Misc. Groups
Disneyschooling Facebook Group (2.5K members)
The Facebook group for Disneyschoolers! This is a homeschool group that has been meeting up at the Disneyland Resort theme parks - since 2006!
Homeschooling Free Thinkers (11.8K members)
Homeschooling Freethinkers is a worldwide group for people who are homeschooling - or are considering homeschooling or were themselves homeschooled - AND are freethinkers. "Freethinkers" - as defined in the dictionary - are people who have the philosophical viewpoint that opinions should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, religion, or other dogmas. Like a "teacher's lounge," they talk about anything and everything related to homeschooling, unschooling, and education.
Homeschool with Netflix, Amazon Streaming, Etc. (19.3K members)
Join a group that loves homeschooling with technology! Homeschoolers are the best resource for each other about what works and what doesn't. Please join them and share your own wealth of knowledge! :)
Homeschool with Movies (5.1K members)
A place for Christian homeschoolers to share educational movies from various online or TV resources.
Minimalist Homeschooling (14.4K members)
A homeschool support & encouragement group with a primary mission of homeschooling and a secondary mission of minimalism; not geared towards minimal homeschooling as a specific approach. We are not geared to advice or support for supplementing brick and mortar schooling.
Secular, Eclectic, Academic (SEA) Homeschoolers (76.4K members)
They are a friendly, diverse community. Their motto is, "Our differences are our strength." They highly value the diversity each member brings to the group. The group is intended as a positive force, and only those people who want to have a constructive discussion should join. The group is open to people of any faith or lack thereof, but they only discuss secular academics in this group.
Secular Homeschooling with Netflix & Other Media (32.3K members)
They share the best of the best in educational digital resources and streaming media to support homeschooling.
Secular Unit Studies & Homeschool Baskets (9.3K members)
Are you a secular, relaxed homeschooler? Do you love active learning using a combination of living books, unit studies, and hands-on materials? Then head on over to the Secular Unit Studies & Homeschool Baskets Group! This group was created to be a friendly, supportive community that provides resources and recommendations for relaxed, secular homeschoolers with traditional school-aged children. The primary focus will be on unit studies and themed baskets (such as a morning basket). Books, educational games, videos and documentaries, recipes, crafts, and active, hands-on-themed resources are welcome. Topics can include a variety of themes including science, history, the arts, nature studies, seasonal themes, social skills and character building, mythology, among many others.
Working Homeschool Mom Club (23.6K members)
This group is hosted by Jen Mackinnon from Practical By Default. The Working Homeschool Mom Club is an online space for working moms who are homeschooling and looking for encouragement on juggling both. This group is a safe place for those who want to encourage, support, and INSPIRE each other. A place to figure out what YOUR working, homeschooling, and life might look like.
Facebook Groups for Different Homeschool Approaches, Curriculums, and Philosophies

Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers (19.4K members)
The purpose of this group is to educate on Charlotte Mason as discussed in her volumes, or other well-known resources, and to implement that philosophy in homeschooling. They do not judge what anyone does in their own school, nor are they all traditional CM families. However, in this group, Charlotte Mason and her philosophy for school-aged children (6 years and up) is the focus. This is not a group meant for asking for people's opinions as much as it is a group asking for Charlotte's opinion.
Charlotte Mason Inspired Homeschoolers (15.2K members)
Charlotte Mason Inspired Homeschoolers is a place to come and learn more about Charlotte Mason, her ideas, thoughts, philosophies, and methods. Modern homes may look different, family dynamics may look different, resources are more readily available, but Charlotte Mason's core 20 principles are timeless and are an anchor for this group.
This is a group composed of educators drawn to both Classical and Charlotte Mason styles (they're not all that different) but not purists in either methodology. They welcome all those who like to blend the best of the two with maybe some dashes of other things mixed in. This is a great place for curriculum questions and encouragement and general homeschooling support.
Classical Conversations- Official (55.1K members)
This is a chat group for those interested in homeschooling with Classical Conversations to learn how to implement the curriculum and teach their family classically. If you'd like to learn what Classical Conversations is and how it works, please visit their website (www.classicalconversations.com ) or Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/classicalconversations/ ).
This group was originally created for secular homeschooling families using the curriculum The Good & The Beautiful. It has evolved into so much more! Here you’ll find a community of families utilizing the curriculum that works best for them, sometimes it’s secular, sometimes it’s not. You may find a curriculum you hadn’t thought to try!
Easy-Peasy Homeschool - General Chat Group (43K members)
This is where the users of the Easy Peasy All-in-One-Homeschool curriculum can discuss specific homeschool topics and those subjects and issues which may not be directly related to the curriculum.
Forest Homeschoolers (5.7K members)
A group for home educators, parents, and caregivers who are bringing Forest School home. They also welcome Forest Homeschool Pods as everyone navigates a new world. Whether you are full-time outdoors or just learning about the Forest School style, this is a group for discussion and connecting with others interested in Forest Homeschooling or creating Forest Homeschool Pods. They also welcome professional practitioners who would like to offer expert advice or want to learn from parents who draw on firsthand experience.
Homeschooling with Bookshark (5.9K members)
This group is a parent-led community for people who are using Bookshark or thinking about using Bookshark while homeschooling. It is a way for parents to connect and find support from other homeschool families.
Leadership Education Homeschool Discussion (TJEd) (13.2K members)
Leadership Education ("TJEd") is a philosophy/methodology designed to promote excellence in education and the achievement of a personal mission. This group is for discussing the implementation of the Thomas Jefferson Education method (TJEd).
Waldorf Inspired Homeschooling for Beginners (4.9K members)
A group for anyone interested in a Waldorf-inspired approach to homeschooling.
Whether you are Eclectic and looking to add a little off the Waldorf magic to your homeschool or you are all in with the Waldorf approach, and whether you are new to homeschooling or a seasoned pro you are welcome to make yourself at home, find support, ask questions, find great resources, and share your adventures with a community of like-minded homeschooling families.
Waldorf Homeschool Parents Chat (1.9K members)
This is a discussion group for parents who use the Waldorf methodology in their homeschool. They hope to be a place for members to share their experiences, ask questions, explore the method and develop community within the context of the Waldorf approach to child development.
Wildschooling (83.5K members)
The Wildschooling Community is where homeschool families explore life out of the box, out of the chair, and outside. Their group is a gathering place for nature-bonded home educators who are passionate about supporting a nature-bonded, active & joyful childhood. Here we'll explore nature's role in providing a nourishing, dynamic, and creative education that honors the whole child.
Worldschoolers (53K members)
Their community of families is interested in learning from the world and is open to all educational experiences for themselves and their children. They are NOT a travel group but rather a group of curious families learning and living as they travel and explore the world around them. Join their group to learn from and make connections with other families around the world.
Preschool Homeschooling Groups
Homeschooling Preschoolers (41K members)
The goal of this group is to provide support for parents/caregivers who have an interest in doing preschool at home with their young children. It is meant to be a community of "homeschool teachers" to share ideas, ask questions, & express concerns, all relating to homeschooling preschoolers.
Waldorf Early Childhood & Kindergarten at Home (5.5K members)
This group is focused primarily on Steiner-Waldorf Pedagogy. Conversations should stay within and come back to the Steiner-Waldorf philosophy. This is a SAFE place to enjoy your love of the Waldorf philosophy.
Unschooling Groups
Almost Unschoolers (6.3K members)
This group embraces all forms of almost unschooling. Almost unschooling means something different to each person, and this group is meant to be a safe place for individual choices. If you unschool your child’s education, but choose to limit screen time or to have chores and bedtimes for your child, your style of unschooling is embraced within this group. If you are radically unschooling, but are curious about what the group's philosophy is, feel free to join. They simply ask that no one shames another parent for how they choose to unschool.
Radical Unschooling (28.8K members)
Welcome! This group was started in 2012 by Dayna Martin, an outspoken advocate, author, and speaker on Radical Unschooling.
Secular Homeschool Families - UNSCHOOL (2.5K members)
This is the sister site to "Secular Homeschool Families". The difference is this is a closed group for unschoolers. What does that mean? This is a place for secular unschoolers to gather and share information and support. Come here for fun ideas, sharing, help, and support.
Unschooling Mom2Mom (34.3K members)
Are you thinking about unschooling and how it could work for your family?
Just starting out? Or maybe you've been unschooling, something shifted and now you feel stuck. Unschooling Mom2Mom can help you figure it all out!
Facebook Groups for Charter School Homeschoolers

California Homeschool Charter School Info Group (7.4K members)
This is a group for parents whose children are currently enrolled in a charter school or are considering a charter school. This is a very active group, with parents asking and answering questions each day to help one another. There are also charter school staff and vendors in this group.
California Public Unschoolers (710 members)
The goal of this group is to connect unschoolers and self-directed learners who are registered with a public charter school so that we can share how our learning practice fits in with the public school structure. This is a parent-run group, not officially connected to any public charter schools.
Charter School Vendors of California (211 members)
This is a group for charter school vendors to get information and support each other. Charter school families who are looking for vendors are also welcome to join this group!
California Charter School Connection (No Rules) (785 members)
This is a public group where California charter school families from all different types of charter schools can connect, share resources, and ask questions.
What my unschooler is learning when... (13.1K members)
This group is intended to help unschooling parents translate the activities their kids are already doing into education-speak for the purpose of legally required portfolios, to help convince skeptical family members, or for their own peace of mind. This group is NOT to debate the educational value of kids' activities. Whatever the kids are doing is assumed to be useful in their lives, and members are there to help in looking for the learning. Your post should contain only the activity in question and optionally the age of your child. Your post should not contain a lot of additional commentary or judgment about your kid's activity.
Your replies should point out the learning that is inherently taking place in the posted activities. And that's all. This group is not for discussion, debate, or educating others about unschooling.
Facebook Groups for High School Families

CA Homeschool College Seekers (4.5K members) This is a very active, information-packed group focused on helping families prepare for the college journey for their high school homeschool students in California.
College Discussions for Homeschoolers (1.3K members) A place for homeschoolers to post about college searches or ask questions. Ideally, they have some veterans who have sent homeschoolers off to college who can help answer questions. They also share information and pages others have found to be helpful.
High School Level: Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool Homeschool Chat (15.9K members) High School Easy Peasy All-in-One Home School Chat is designed to help parents get through High School together. Feel free to ask questions and share your Easy Peasy experiences.
Homeschool and NCAA Academic Eligibility (4.4K members)
For homeschooling parents with athletes pursuing NCAA Division 1 and 2 sports. Discussion and information about NCAA Academic Eligibility process.
This group is for families of high school homeschoolers. It’s designed to set up a social structure for the kids and families. They meet for social functions and to support each other.
Homeschooling Middle and High School (20.8K members)
This group is for parents of homeschooled preteens and teens. Please feel free to ask questions or discuss curriculum, techniques, challenges, victories, or anything that has to do with your preteen, or teen, and homeschooling. If your student ages out of the target years, please feel free to hang out with them, they can use some veteran advice from those that made it through the process. :)
Homeschooling Teens Successfully (1.2K members)
The purpose of this group is to connect homeschooling families around the world to share resources and encouragement for education and Christian discipleship. Find support, and answers to homeschooling your teen successfully! (resources, freebies, homeschool discounts, tips, and more)
It's Not That Hard to Homeschool High School (30.5K members)
Homeschooling high school isn't always easy, but it doesn't have to be that hard! This group is a place for homeschool parents to share tips and encouragement for everything that homeschooling high school entails, from picking curriculum to getting through the school day to parenting our teens -- and more. This group is administered by Ann Karako of Annie & Everything, as an extension of her blog. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact her via the form on her blog: https://www.annieandeverything.com
Parents of Black and Brown College Bound (6.2K members)
Black and Brown and College Bound is a support and advice group for parents of minority kids ages 12-22, headed to or in college. Parents can ask for or give advice about anything pertaining to college and beyond. Student loans, scholarships, parenting issues, or acclimating to college. This is a safe and judgment-free zone to encourage, help, and advise children, not only on their college journey but on their journey into young adulthood.
Used Homeschool HIGH SCHOOL Curriculum Items (1.5K members)
Facebook Groups for Special Needs Students (including Gifted & 2E Kids)

ADHD Homeschooling Support Group (1.9K members)
A support group for homeschooling families who are living and learning with ADHD.
Autism & Homeschooling is a discussion and support group available to everyone who is interested in home educating kids on the autism spectrum. We are here to help and to share, to motivate, and to encourage. This group is inclusive and not affiliated with any religion, philosophy, or political ideology. To honor diversity and keep discussions positive and on-topic they respectfully ask that you save any political and religious commentary for other forums.
CA Homeschooling with an IEP (2.8K members)
This page is a safe place for parents of students who are homeschooling or considering homeschooling a child with special needs. This is for parents only and they ask that employees of charter schools and homeschool-related business owners not participate.
GHF Gifted Home Education Discussion Group (7.4K members)
This group's mission is to empower every gifted family to make strategic, proactive, and intentional educational choices.
Homeschooling Parents of Deaf/HoH Kids (1.1K members)
This group has been created as a way to connect with other parents that are homeschooling their deaf or hard-of-hearing kids. Please remember that mode of communication and education choices are deeply personal and polarizing issues. The intent of this group is to share resources, ideas, and support, not as a platform for espousing one ideology over another.
Homeschooling Dyslexic Kids (19.9K members)
This is a support group for homeschool families to be free to speak their hearts and mind on the subject of dyslexia as it impacts their children. The group is intended to lift one another up and to help to lighten the load of those just starting out. It's a fine line for parents who are also therapists/tutors and they appreciate you as parents first.
Homeschooling on the spectrum: Autism, Aspergers, PDD (6.1K members)
This is a support group for home educators who have children on the spectrum. It is not a place to post ads or services unless you are responding to a specific request from a parent. Please note this is an international group.
SPED Homeschool Resource Sharing Group (2.1K members, public group)
The SPED Homeschool Resource Sharing Group is moderated by SPED Homeschool, a 501.c.3 nonprofit serving the special education homeschool community. They are "Helping Students Succeed Through Parent-Directed Special Education Homeschooling" by giving parents the resources, information, support, and encouragement needed every day of their homeschooling journey. The purpose of this group is for members to share with one another resources relevant to special education homeschooling.
Twice Exceptional/2E Network International (3.7K members)
Twice Exceptional means individuals who have high abilities and also have special needs like Autism, ADHD, learning challenges, social-emotional, mental health, and physical/ motor challenges. Twice Exceptional/ 2E Network International - is an international group of parents and professionals who are working to increase the recognition and support for these individuals who are bright and also have challenges that affect their ability to learn, socialize, and/or be successful in life.
Facebook Groups for Homeschool Curriculum Deals: Freebies, Purchasing & Selling

Affordable Homeschooling (11.4K members)
All About Homeschool Curriculum & Resources (3.9K members)
Charlotte Mason/Ambleside/Living Books ONLY for sale. USA ONLY. (15.7K members)
Classical Homeschool USED Curriculum Buy/Sell/Trade (7.1K members)
Free Homeschooling Curriculum (20.1K members)
Free Homeschooling Resources! (13.9K members, public group)
Homeschool Curriculum for Sale (2.7K members)
Homeschool Exchange Curriculum BuySell/Trade (6K members)
Homeschool for FREE! With the Good Goat Momma (10.7K members)
Homeschool Printables for FREE (59K members)
Homeschooler Market - Buy, Sell & Trade (58.3K members)
Printables for Homeschool Parents (8K members)
Thrifty Homeschool (13.7K members)
Used Charlotte Mason Items (8.1K members)
Used Homeschool Books, Buy, Sell, Trade (18.9K members)
Waldorf Curriculum and Supplies (5.5K members)
Do you have a Facebook group you want to share with us? This is a living document and we will update this page periodically. Please email us your Facebook group suggestion at info@homeschoolconcierge.com.