RaiseMe is a platform that assists high school students in preparing for college by earning scholarships for their achievements in 9th-12th grade.
Hundreds of colleges and universities have partnered with Raise.me, and award micro-scholarships for both academics and extracurricular activities.
RaiseMe empowers every student to build their path to higher education and beyond by introducing students to the wide range of college options, arming them with motivation and guidance to be successful in their pursuit of a college degree, and providing transparency on the cost that helps students find the right academic and financial fit in a college. On RaiseMe, students can join for free as early as the 9th grade and earn incremental, achievement-based financial aid from colleges for their achievements. More than 1.6 million high school and community college students have earned micro-scholarships on RaiseMe from nearly 300 institutions, including Arizona State University, Florida International University, University of Chicago, University of Rochester, Northeastern, Tulane and Georgia Tech. For more information and to sign up for free, visit Raise.me.
*When you're signing up and it asks for your high school, enter in "Home School" and you'll see the option pop up. If you can't find it, try typing "1 Your Street."