We have been having a great time hosting our homeschool expert panel discussions and talking with families, leaders, and experts from our homeschool community.
The topics we have covered so far have been super interesting, if you missed any of them and want to check them out you can find the archive recordings on the Homeschool Concierge website:
The most common question we keep hearing from parents during our panel discussions is:
“What curriculum do you recommend?”
We are super excited to announce that our upcoming Homeschool Expert Panel discussion is all about curriculum!
Our favorite curriculum choices
How to pick a curriculum for your children
Great places to find homeschool curriculum
and more
Q & A: Open Discussion with attendees and panelist
Martin & Carolyn Forte
Lisa Ott
Jessica Parnell
Denise Santangelo
Lynn J Woodley

Windi Eklund - Host

I am a long-time homeschool mom with a passion for child-centered education and family support. We have been homeschooling for over 11 years through the public charter school system. My two youngest are currently enrolled in an independent study public charter school. This school year we moved my oldest out of the charter school and we now homeschool him independently through a PSA.
Since starting our homeschool journey as a family I have dedicated myself to being an integral part of our unique and diverse community. I have worked to broaden educational choices and knowledge of the programs available to our families through:
Volunteering at Celebration Education, where I was able to help families from all over the world find alternative education options for their children
Organize and lead field trips for homeschool families
Set up new education programs and learning centers for homeschoolers
Organize National School Choice Events and Charter School Choice Open Houses
Speak on the homeschool options available to families at homeschool and alternative education conventions
Run numerous homeschool and charter school social media groups, covering all of California with 1000s of members in each
Organize our community to oppose anti-charter school legislation
Founded a non-profit to serve the diverse needs of homeschool families
Helped pave the way for family choice at charters by founding multiple family-focused programs serving our community
I am here to help support families in finding their homeschool path. I am representing myself as a homeschooling mom, offering information from my experience.
Always happy to help, please feel free to email, call, or text anytime.
Windi Eklund
Martin & Carolyn Forte

Martin & Carolyn Forte have been Certified LearningSuccess™ Coaches and Licensed Workshop Facilitators for over 20 years. They are owners and administrators of Excellence in Education Academy, a Private Satellite Program (PSP) for homeschoolers founded in 1992. They also operate Excellence in Education Homeschool Resource Center in Monrovia, California which includes a bookstore, classes for homeschooled students and a support group with park days and field trips. Carolyn holds a California Life Teaching Credential and is the creator of The Game Curriculum, a model for using games coordinated with Learning Styles for more effective learning. Both Martin & Carolyn have extensive experience teaching and working with typical as well as special needs students and their families. Additionally, they have taken training in Dr. Karyn Purvis’ Trust Based Relational Intervention for children from traumatic backgrounds. Working as a team, Martin and Carolyn provide families with expertise from both their backgrounds.

Martin & Carolyn began homeschooling their two daughters in 1981 and helped form the first homeschool support group in the San Gabriel Valley. They have been heavily involved in both local and statewide homeschool organizations for almost 40 years. Martin is a co-founder and past president of California Homeschool Network and both speak frequently at homeschool conventions and other gatherings in Southern California. Martin is also known as popular homeschool persona/speaker, “Dr. Homeschool.” As strong believers in an individualized approach to education, they began incorporating the LearningSuccess™ model into their curriculum counseling at Excellence in Education from the time of their first seminar with the Learning Success Institute.
Martin & Carolyn are available for:
Private Consultations
Customized Learning Programs
Contact Information:
Lisa Ott

Lisa, holding an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction–Language and Literacy, from Penn State University, is the Director of Curriculum Development at Bridgeway Academy.
An educator since 1992, her experience as a public school teacher, college-level education course facilitator, homeschool academic advisor, and head of curriculum design, combine to give her a unique vision for education.
Her passion for developing educational programs that empower and enrich learners has been the foundation for Bridgeway’s unique approach to curriculum design. Lisa leads a team of equally innovative developers who design online learning experiences and complementary learning resources for textbook programs, all available at Bridgeway Academy.
Jessica Parnell

Former Homeschooling parent, homeschool coach and author of the series Unlocking Your Child’s Genius, Jessica Parnell has a passion for helping students discover and pursue their personal excellence. As president and CEO of Edovate Learning Corp, she enjoys working with a talented and intelligent team to drive innovation in home education and personalized learning. Edovate Learning Corp is the parent company to Bridgeway Academy which provides a variety of homeschooling options from textbooks to live online classes to all-inclusive homeschool programs that include the full accreditation and support. Curriculum Express, the best resource for homeschoolers seeking curriculum at discounted prices, and the exciting new Elephango.com, an online resource center that every homeschooler should have in their toolbox. Bridgeway Academy and Elephango.com have received several awards over the years including two Mom’s Choice awards, Best New Product for students with Learning Disabilities, and Outstanding Customer Service.
“Our desire is to provide the best in home education—because we believe when you leverage the freedom and flexibility of educating students in a way that both fits and inspires them, you are not only changing their future but their ability to change the world!".

Elephango Online - Online resources to complement any program
Curriculum Express - Curriculum distributor—see sample pages and purchase direct
Free Learning Style Assessment Code: Genius
Direct links to the different products/offerings:
Lynn J Woodley

Lynn has been in the homeschool market since 2001. She was a homeschool mama that has now completed that portion of her journey. She started and ran a homeschool co-op for 9 years with 104 students and taught art in that co-op. Within the Co-op she taught art and was asked her to continue teaching art after she passed the Co-op on. She then taught 25 students, for 3 additional years, in her garage.
She also organized many other homeschool field trips, and was a homeschool 4H – group leader.
It is her passion to help Homeschool mama’s (parents) not burn out. With that passion, Lynn was a Homeschool Consultant with Sonlight from 2001 – 2014 and then was asked to be an employee as the Product Expert and Charter School Liaison with BookShark starting 2015. Lynn has 19 years of experience in the homeschool market and helping families successfully homeschool.
Lynn has been very active in church activities for years leading and organizing many projects, teaching youth, leading music, VBS, retreats, bible studies and Sunday School, church building committee and much more.
Lynn is a University of Montana graduate, lives in Oregon and is from Montana.
She is also a Reflexologist and Holistic Health Coach and LOVES to remodel her home.

SKU for Hands on for 5-8 – AHK, BHK, CHK
SKU for Lapbooks for ages 9-adult – DH30, EH30, GH30, HH30, US30
https://www.bookshark.com/freebies https://booksharkvirtual.com/ https://www.bookshark.com/about/company-methodology