--PROGRAM WAS FOR 2018 - MOVE TO CLOSED RESOURCES - Bon Voyage French School - Virtual
For more information please contact Elizabeth Porter, elizabethporter@bonvoyagefrance.com, (509) 942-8015

Panda Chinese - Arcadia, CA
Please contact Jing Ma, pandachinese99@gmail.com, 626-400-8853

Chinese Hour offers 1-1 Online Chinese Classes - Virtual
Visit their website for more information: http://www.chinesehour.com/

Fascinating Education: Online High School Science Education - Virtual
Learning science can be fun and easy. Although I believe that learning is serious stuff and not all about games and animated adventures,...

Online Classrooms at LanguageBird - Los Angeles, CA
The Chirp Rooms Chatrooms are FREE weekly online classrooms where students interested in practicing a foreign language can meet. Please...

Test Prep and Tutoring - Santa Monica, CA (webpage can't be found, Facebook last active 2018)
Growing Forward Academy is an online tutoring company geared towards SAT/ACT prep, but also offer academic subject help too. For every 10...

Berlitz Languages offers classes in several languages for kids & teens - Virtual & San Diego, CA
Kids & Teens - Language Instruction The Berlitz Kids & Teens® Experience— The fun way to build a brighter future Language can shape...

SAT/ACT Prep (webpage not found, Facebook last active 2018)
Growing Forward Academy is an online tutoring company geared towards SAT/ACT Prep. We are a 100% online service and our tutors work...

TutorMeLA Offers In-Home Tutoring and Test Prep - Los Angeles, CA
Visit their website for more information: https://tutormela.com/